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Like the F/W 2013 YSL Replica Handbags collection, Tod’s has released the most comprehensive feminine shoes from flats to sexy high heel pumps. The taste of calf hair prints has spread to the ankle boots with sharp stiletto’s crafted at the precise size, not too high and not too low. The shoes are wrapped around with straps and finished with a buckle closure, that also explains why they are called Tod’s wrap around booties. If the calf prints doesn’t suit you, Nordstrom has a style that’s completely black. Price? €906 EUR. Tod’s new Replica Handbags are no-brainer in every color and there are just more options to play with. Made from suede, comfy and cozy for the autumn, but more importantly they are practical to use. The top is embellished with a metal buckle and its designed in bold elegance. To make walking more easily (especially if you are living in an area where the nature loves to drop snow), there are rubbers crafted on the sole. These flats and all other F/W 2013 shoes are available at Tods e-store.
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